Transnational Entrepreneurship: Collaboration between Germany and India

One of the concepts of Transnational Entrepreneurship that is currently being pursued by xLab at the HKA is the equivalent cooperation between at least two start-ups from different countries. The objective of such cooperation is to leverage the market potential of each start-up and therefore it is crucial to find complementary partners based on the core competences and abilities of each start-up. The framework conditions and success factors of such a composition are topics of our current research.

The first pilot for validating this concept is currently being pursued by G-Lab. Therefore, we are promoting a collaboration between a founding team from HsKA with an Indian start-up.

Xlab is currently piloting an approach to a cooperation of start-ups across national borders in the university context. After one semester studying at HsKA and receiving entrepreneurial training, students from the Queensland University of Technology pursuit a challenging project internship at SAP, where they develop an IoT solution with a team of company employees. Upon the end of the program the solution and the respective business model are exported to Australia and introduced to the local market it in a start-up-like manner. The teams in Germany and Australia continue to share resources and experience while establishing independent businesses that are adapted to the needs of local customers.

Johannes Lauer
Unsere Förderer
Moltkestraße 30
76133 Karlsruhe
© 2021 Innovate e.V. [x]Lab der Hochschule Karlsruhe
© 2021 Innovate e.V. [x]Lab der Hochschule Karlsruhe
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